Agenda and minutes

Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators - Monday, 9th November, 2020 7.30 pm


Contact: Democratic Services, email:  tel: 01372 732000

No. Item


Appointment of a Chairman and appointment of a Vice-Chairman of the Conservators pdf icon PDF 68 KB

This report requests the appointment of a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Conservators.


The Conservators received a report requesting the appointment of a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Conservators.

Following consideration, it was unanimously resolved to :

(1)      appoint Councillor Liz Frost as Chairman to hold office until the first meeting of the Conservators held after the date of the Annual Meeting of Epsom and Ewell Borough Council in May 2021;

(2)      appoint Simon Durrant as Vice-Chairman to hold office until the first meeting of the Conservators held after the date of the Annual Meeting of the Borough Council in May 2021;

(3)      agree that in the event the May 2021 Annual Meeting of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council does not take place, appointments as the Chairman and Vice Chairman will continue until the first meeting of the Conservators after the end of May 2021.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 77 KB

The Conservators are asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Conservators’ Meeting held on 22 June 2020 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them.



The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 22 June 2020 were agreed as a true record and the Conservators approved the Chairman to sign them.


Mid-Year Budget Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This item reports on the income and expenditure position as at 30 September 2020 and seeks guidance on the preparation of the budget and precept for 2021/22.


Additional documents:


The Conservators received a report presenting the income and expenditure position as at 30 September 2020 and seeking guidance on the preparation of the budget and precept for 2021/22.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Impact of Covid-19 pandemic. The Conservators noted that the current pandemic had had a limited impact on their financial position at present, but that it had directly affected the precepting bodies to a much greater extent.

b)            Correction to report. The Conservators noted a correction to paragraph 3.5 of the report. The second sentence was corrected to read:

“The latest forecast of the working balance at 31 March 2021 is £63,048 due to the projected £2,027 underspend and the £5,000 contribution to the working balance as referenced in 3.4 above.” (amendment marked in bold)

c)            Transport insurance recharge. Following a question from a Member with regard to whether the increased cost of the Transport insurance recharge was likely to be a one-off or annual increase, it was noted that Officers would look into the matter and respond to the Member following the meeting.

d)            General office expenses. Following a question from a Member with regard to whether the increased cost of General office expenses was likely to be a one-off or annual increase it was noted that Officers would look into the matter.

e)            Toilets. Following a question from a Member, the Chairman informed the meeting that officers had been requested to undertake a piece of work with regard to the toilet facilities on the Downs and that a report regarding the matter would be presented at a future meeting.

Following consideration, it was unanimously resolved to:

(1)      note the mid-year income and expenditure position as at 30 September 2020;

(2)      request officers to prepare the budget for 2021/22 on the basis detailed in paragragh 2.5 of the report and to provide officers with further guidance on the preparation of the budget at a future date if felt appropriate.


Dates of meetings in 2021 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

The Conservators are requested to agree the dates of their normal meetings to be held in 2021.


The Conservators received a report requesting the agreement of the dates of their normal meetings to be held in 2021.

Following consideration, it was resolved with 8 Members voting for, 1 Member voting against and the Chairman not voting to:

(1)      agree to hold their normal meetings in 2021 on the following dates:

a)    Monday 25 January 2021 at 18.00 hours

b)    Monday 21 June 2021 18.00 hours

c)    Monday 8 November 2021 18.00 hours