Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall, View directions
Contact: Email: tel: 01372 732000
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Committee is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 25 March 2024 (attached) and to authorise the Chair to sign them.
Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee held on 25 March 2024 were agreed as a true record and the Chair was authorised to sign them. |
Training Grounds Management Board Update The Chair to provide a verbal update from the Training Grounds Management Board. Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update on the Training Ground Management Board. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report presenting an update on the Committee Action Tracker. The following matters were discussed: a) Condition of Hack Canter Ride. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that a meeting had taken place with Alex Stewart and Nigel Whybrow to look at the issue and come up with a solution. The solution agreed upon, is to move the Hack Ride over slightly, as the current one is beyond repair. b) Noticeboards. The Chair informed the Committee that there are copies of the information to be put on the noticeboards, for Members and Invited representatives to consider and feedback on following the meeting. Invited representatives raised two noticeboards that needed further attention. The Chair noted the comments. The Streetcare Manager noted the locations and confirmed they would look into it. c) Spoil Heaps. The Chair informed the Committee that the spoil heaps in the top car park have increased. The Chair explained that this is primarily due to materials arriving from Kempton and Langbourne to help update and refurbish some of the bottom gallop. The bottom gallop is due to be updated through October and some, if not all, of those materials will be used to do that work. d) Oak Trees. The Chair informed the Committee that the Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board are happy to fund the trees, depending on the size. The Chair set out that the next steps will be to discuss with the Council’s Tree Officer, and the Countryside Team, to progress this item along. The Chair raised that there is a suggestion that the trees are a mix of oak trees and disease resistant elms. The Chair committed to speak to the Business Improvement District to provide additional funding for the project. e) Ice Cream Van. The Streetcare Manager confirmed that the Ice Cream Van will move location, into the Downskeepers Car Park, starting from next season. f) Sycamore Trees. The Streetcare Manager confirmed they have looked into the threat posed by sycamores to horses and stated that the Council is not in the position to start removing sycamore trees, due to the ash dieback on the Downs. The Streetcare Manager invited Members and representatives to speak to her if they have any specific issues and agreed to work collaboratively to find a solution. g) Fibre Sand Gallop. The Chair informed the Committee that a meeting had taken place with the Streetcare Manager, Nigel Whybrow, and Alex Stewart. The solution agreed is for Nigel Whybrow to amend the gateway that crosses the fibre sand gallop, to make it more open and inviting for hack riders to get across. The Chair invited feedback from hack riders on whether this will help address the issue. h) Rifle Butts Alley. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that the vegetation dump has been cleared. i) Resurfacing of Hack Canter. The Chair informed the Committee, that they had visited the Hack Canter in question, and observed it was ok. The Chair invited Members and representatives to ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Issues raised by the Committee Members To discuss any issues raised by Committee Members, including the following: · Out of Control Dogs · Maintenance and Inspection of Trees in the Warren Wood Minutes: The Committee discussed matters raised by Members of the Epsom and Walton Downs Consultative Committee. The following matters were discussed: a) Out of Control Dogs. The Member from the British Horse Society informed the Committee that they had received a report of an incident involving an out-of-control dog attacking a horse. The Member highlighted how it is a growing problem since the pandemic, as more people own dogs that have not been trained properly. The Committee considered the issue and discussed methods for avoiding further incidents going forwards. There was consensus that a targeted communication campaign regarding dog walking behaviour and rules on the Downs should be rolled out to both inform and remind users of the Downs of current processes in place to avoid future incidents. Members and invited representatives acknowledged that there are lots of dog owners who are respectful and sensible around horses, and it is a small, persistent minority who are causing issues. b) Dangerous Dog Act. The Member from the British Horse Society highlighted that all breeds of dog fall under the dangerous dog act, if the dog causes somebody to feel at risk of injury. The Member raised that it is important for people to realise that all breeds of dogs can make someone feel at risk of being harmed, no matter their size. c) Fines. An invited representative asked if fines could be enforced against the owners of out-of-control dogs. The Chair stated that the enforcement and operation of fines is difficult, and a certain level of evidence and background work is needed for a fine to be successfully enforced. d) Training. The invited representative from the Epsom Equestrian Conservation Team raised that if there are dogs who need to be trained how to act around horses, and vice versa, they can be brought up to Wildwood and help can be provided. The Chair noted the suggestion. The Chair suggested that a communication piece be rolled out first, before further avenues and options are explored. e) Damage to dogs. A Member of the Committee suggested that the communication campaign is approached through the view of the dog owner, by highlighting that their dog could get seriously injured if it does initiate an altercation with a horse. The Member mentioned that this could potentially deter dog owners them or force them to take it the issue seriously by focusing their attention on to what is important to them. f) Targeted Communication Campaign. The Chair said resources from the BHS or TJC would be looked at to see if previous communication schemes could be used again, rather than starting from scratch. The Streetcare Manager stated that it should be an ongoing comms campaign to keep it fresh in people’s minds, rather than a one off piece. g) Nonsuch Park Scheme. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee about the pilot commercial dog walking licensing scheme which is being launched in Nonsuch Park in 2025. The Chair raised that there are some concerns that commercial dog walkers ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Issues raised for Consideration by Invited Representatives To discuss any issues raised by representatives to the Committee, including the following: · Information signs · Car Park behaviour · Ice Cream Van location · Toilets on the Downs · Vending on the Downs · Antiques Fair Sign · Downskeepers’ Responsibilities · Grassland Management · Reintroduction of grazing to Juniper Hill · Spoil Heaps · Potholes Minutes: The Committee discussed the issues raised by representatives invited to attend the meeting. The following matters were discussed: a) Noticeboard Content. The Chair acknowledged that this item had been discussed during Agenda item 2, the Committee Action Tracker. b) Car Park Behaviour. An invited representative informed the Committee about an incident in the car park they had experienced and that has been reported to the police. The Chair highlighted the importance of reporting incidents to the police, so the police can correlate and coordinate the data and provide an adequate response. c) Vending on the Downs. An invited representative raised concerns regarding the vending discussions that took place at the June Conservators Meeting and asked that no other vendors are encouraged to set up on the Downs. The Chair explained that the vending on the Downs scheme is a pilot scheme, which will be used to understand if there is any additional demand or need for more vending facilities on the Downs. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that there is a vendor who will begin a six-month trial, situated in the View-point Car Park. The Streetcare Manager explained that litter picking is covered under the scheme agreement, and the environmental impact has been considered by both the Council and the vendor. d) Antiques Fair sign. An invited representative raised that the sign should be moved. The Streetcare Manager confirmed that the sign will be removed. e) Downskeepers’ Responsibilities. The Committee asked for clarity as to what the Downskeepers’ are responsible for, specifically when it comes to grass verge cutting, and putting back posts that have been removed. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that Surrey County Council are responsible for the verge cutting, and they may not have included the area discussed as part of their responsibility now. The Streetcare Manager informed the Committee that the verges would be sorted, and the location communicated to the Downskeepers’. The Streetcare Manager explained that there has been a few temporary Downskeepers’ in place, covering staff absences, who might not have been as knowledgeable of the Downs. The Streetcare Manager committed to dealing with all of the points raised and encouraged people to raise issues with the Council’s Contact Centre, in order for them to be documented and dealt with. f) Grassland Management. The Countryside Officer provided an update on the grassland management work of the Team. The Countryside Officer signposted the Committee to the Habitat Management Plan for the Downs, which can be found on the Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Website. g) Grazing on Juniper Hill. The Countryside Officer informed the Committee that the possibility of reintroducing grazing on the Downs, is being explored and investigated. The Countryside Officer explained that the next step will be a feasibility study to determine costs and logistics, before going out to public consultation. h) Committee visit. The Chair informed the Committee that an opportunity to go and do a tour of the Downs for Committee Members and invited representatives will be communicated soon. ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Items for the Attention of the Conservators To identify any items which the Committee wishes to be brought to the attention of the Conservators at their next meeting, and nominate a spokesperson to present them if appropriate.
Minutes: The Chair informed the Committee that a Commercial Dog Walking Report would be taken to the November Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators Meeting. The Committee did not identify any other items from the meeting which would require verbal representation to the Conservators. |