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No. | Item |
Agenda Order Change Minutes: The Chair proposed that the order of the agenda was amended to allow any questions pertaining to the Response to Community Safety Partnereship Review Restricted Appendix 2 Document to be received and answered during Part II of the meeting.
The following order was therefore observed:
1 – Question and Statements from the Public 2 – Declarations of Interest 3 – Video Surveillance System Policy 4 – Community Safety Intervention Policy 5 – Communtiy Safety Action Plan 6 – Response to Community Safety Partnership Review |
Question and Statements from the Public To take any questions or statements from members of the Public. Decision: No questions or statements were received from members of the public. Minutes: No questions or statements were received from members of the public. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of any items of business to be considered at this meeting. Decision: No declarations of interest were made in relation to items of business to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made in relation to items of business to be discussed at the meeting. |
Video Surveillance System Policy PDF 227 KB A policy to govern the use of video surveillance systems (VSS) and to note the work to bring the Council into compliance with the Biometric and Surveillance Commissioners Code of Practice. Additional documents: Decision: Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree that the Video Surveillance System Policy be recommended for adoption at Full Council
Minutes: The Committee received a report setting out a policy to govern the use of video surveillance systems (VSS) and noting the work required to bring the Council into compliance with the Biometric and Surveillance Commissioners Code of Practice.
The following matters were considered: a) Funding for CCTV. A Member of the Committee asked aboutthe cost of updating our CCTV system and queried if there were funds available from Central Government or other routes to ensure we have a robust and working CCTV system in place. The Public Protection Manager confirmed that the CCTV system present in Epsom Town is new as of February this year and the new system was funded by the Home Office. The Chair informed the Committee that the quality of the CCTV system has hugely improved and the grant received from the Home Office was sizeable, at £271,000, and was part of the Safer Streets Initiative, for which CCTV provision is a part. The Public Protection Manager continued to state that funding streams from Surrey County Council for body worn video cameras and CIL funding for schemes in some of the borough’s parks have also been used.
Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree that the Video Surveillance System Policy be recommended for adoption at Full Council
Community Safety Intervention Policy PDF 222 KB A policy to ensure the Council’s Community Safety resource is effectively targeted at tackling antisocial behaviour and supporting victims. Additional documents: Decision: Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree the Community Safety Intervention Policy as set out in Appendix 1 (2) Agree that the Community Safety Intervention Policy is recommended for adoption at Full Council
Minutes: The Committee received a report presenting a policy to ensure the Council’s Community Safety resource is effectively targeted at tackling antisocial behaviour and supporting victims. The following matters were considered: a) Anti-Social Behaviour Policy in relation to Councillors. A Member of the Committee asked about the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and whether that is the policy for dealing with harassment experienced and faced by Councillors or whether there is a different, more prioritised route. The Chair informed the Committee that a definition of Anti-Social behaviour could be found on page 4 of the Appendix document, as set out in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and that any instances where Anti-Social Behaviour occurs under that definition, both the Police and Council would take interest. The Public Protection Manager responded to state that there is no impediment if you are an elected member to be subject of this policy as a victim and it certainly applies to any member of society and if Members feel they are being subject to criminal harassment then that is dealt with exclusively by the Police. Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree the Community Safety Intervention Policy as set out in Appendix 1 (2) Agree that the Community Safety Intervention Policy is recommended for adoption at Full Council.
Community Safety Action Plan PDF 224 KB This report proposes an action plan to deliver community safety measures by the Council and that they be subject to public consultation. Additional documents: Decision: Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree the draft Community Safety Action Plan for public consultation (2) Agree to receive the results of the consultation and any resulting revisions to the action plan at the next meeting of the committee
Minutes: The Committee received a report proposing an action plan to deliver community safety measures by the Council and that they be subject to public consultation. Councillor Muir asked the Chair a question and received a verbal response. Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree the draft Community Safety Action Plan for public consultation. (2) Agree to receive the results of the consultation and any resulting revisions to the action plan at the next meeting of the committee.
Response to Community Safety Partnership Review PDF 237 KB The report identifies the proposed response to the independent review of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) in 2023. Additional documents:
Decision: Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree to recommend to the Epsom & Ewell Community Safety Partnership the proposed responses to the review, as set out in Appendix 3
Minutes: The Committee received a report identifying the proposed response to the independent review of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) in 2023. The Committee voted to exclude the press and public at 7.47pm. The debate on this item is recorded in a restricted minute. Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to: (1) Agree to recommend to the Epsom & Ewell Community Safety Partnership the proposed responses to the review, as set out in Appendix 3.