Agenda item

Events on the Downs

To approve a request from Cancer Research UK to hold the annual Race for Life Event on the Downs in 2024.


The Conservators received a report presenting a request from Cancer Research UK to hold the annual Race for Life Event on the Downs in 2024.

The following matters were considered:

a)            Cap on Participants Numbers. A Member of the Conservators raised that the approximate participants number is very high and quite vague and suggested that Conservators might be inclined to suggest a cap on numbers at the event. The Chair noted the comment and informed the Conservators that it is something to be considered and explored if events of this sort of scale are applying to be held on the Downs more regularly. The Chair raised that it can be communicated to event organisers that a cap on numbers of participants is being considered by the Conservators.

b)            Downs Education Stand. A Member of the Conservators raised that the event would be a good opportunity for visitor education and having a stand with a handout about the Downs would spread awareness of the local nature, Downs uses and byelaws. The Chair thanked the Member for the suggestion and indicated that if it could be coordinated between the Jockey Club and Borough Council, then it would be a great way to raise awareness. A Member of the Conservators raised a concern about giving out a paper handout, citing the cost and risk of littering, and suggested an email to participants from event organisers could be a better and more sustainable option, or an option of including a handout within the information pack they will receive prior to the event from the organisers.

c)            Footfall damage. A Member of the Conservators acknowledged that the event has been previously supported and approved by the Conservators for a number of years but wished to highlight the issue of increased footfall on the Downs and the potential damage it can cause.

d)            Downskeepers. A Member of the Conservators asked where the input from Downskeepers is regarding the impact of the event last year and a summary of how it went from their perspective. The Member highlighted the importance of listening to the feedback and advice of the team who help organise, police, and clear up after the event. The Chair informed the Conservators that they intend to invite Nigel Whybrow to future Conservators Meetings on an ad hoc basis to provide a report on what is happening on the Downs. The Chair also proposed asking the Downskeepers to come and give an update, in person or written, so their invaluable input is not being overlooked, and getting an update from TGMB fed back to future Conservators Meetings.

e)            Tadworth 10. A Member of the Conservators raised that it is important for the organisers of events on the Downs to be made aware that participants must not cross the track at any point, other than at the agreed designated points shared with participants prior to the event and requested that this could be fed back to the organisers of the Tadworth 10 event. The Chair noted the request and informed the Committee that it would be passed on to make certain that it does not happen again.

f)             Event Deposit. A Member of the Conservators asked if the deposit paid by the event organisers was given back in full or whether it had been used to pay for the damage caused to the racetrack by participants of the Tadworth 10. Another Member of the Conservators responded to inform the Committee that none of the deposit had been used to repair the grounds, instead it was more about establishing the principle going forward that this doesn’t happen again, since fortunately the damage sustained following the Tadworth 10 was relatively minor.

g)            Communication of Events. The Chair informed the Conservators that there are plans to improve the communication surrounding how people apply for events on the Downs and to let the public know which events are scheduled to take place on the Downs over the coming year.

h)            Agreement of Events. A Member of the Conservators asked whether events on the Downs are agreed annually or on an ad hoc basis.  The Chair informed the Conservators that due to major events being known about well in advance they will normally come to the January Meeting to be agreed; smaller additional events can be dealt with by Council Officers depending on the size of the event. A Member of the Conservators raised that the Council’s Streetcare Manager used to provide an update of the schedule of events for the coming year to the training community in advance of the January Conservators meeting so they could have an input before events take place and before permission is granted by the Conservators and requested a similar informal meeting is reintroduced. The Chair confirmed that they would look into bringing back a similar schedule of events meeting with the training community in the interest of all users of the Downs.

Following consideration, the Conservators unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Approve the application from Cancer Research UK to hold the 2024 Race for Life Event on the Downs.



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