Agenda item

Issues considered by the Conservators

This report provides the Committee with a summary of items of interest considered at the meetings of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 5 October 2016 and 18 January 2017, and the Minutes of those meetings.


The Committee received and noted a report providing a summary of items of interest considered at the meetings of the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators held on 5 October 2016 and 18 January 2017. The following matters were considered:

a)            Parking on land in front of the Derby Arms public house – public consultation. The Committee noted that the public consultation for the proposal submitted to the Conservators by Epsom Downs Racecourse (for permission to use the land in front of the Derby Arms public house for event overflow parking) had not yet started. There were several matters to be clarified prior to such a consultation being launched, but all representatives on the Consultative Committee would be informed once it was, and invited to submit their views on the proposal.

Please note: further consideration of matters relating to this item are recorded within Minute 15 b) of this meeting.

b)            Vision for Epsom and Walton Downs Training. The Epsom Downs Racecourse representative informed the Committee that the purpose of the vision document produced by the Training Grounds Management Board (TGMB) was to reaffirm the importance of the racehorse training community to the local area, and to build on the history and facilities already in place. The number of horses in training on Epsom and Walton Downs had reduced significantly over the past 10-15 years, and one of the objectives of the vision was to address this. Working groups had been formed by the TGMB to consider how best to take proposals forward, and the Committee was informed that involving the local community would be central to much of this work.

c)            Ice cream vending on the Downs. The Committee noted that the ice cream vendor using the Downs had now applied for, and received a licence.

d)            Closing time for car park gates. The Committee noted that the Streetcare Manager would look into the potential to alter the closing time of the car park gates on the Downs. If any significant amendments were proposed, it would be reported to the Conservators.

e)            Memorial plaques for benches. The Committee was informed that memorial plaques* were not permitted on benches under the Conservators’ policy.

*Post script: following the meeting, officers confirmed that dedications inscribed directly onto the benches were also not permitted under the policy.

f)             Parking in Derby Stables Road. The British Horse Society Representative informed the Committee that he had chosen not to pursue stronger waiting restrictions in Derby Stables Road, as it may have also inhibited the use of the area for parking horse boxes. It was noted the Surrey County Council Local Committee for Epsom and Ewell had recently approved minor changes to the area.

g)            Horse Margin, Langley Vale farm to Shepherds Walk – condition of hedge. The British Horse Society Representative informed the Committee that the condition of the hedge in this location was patchy and poor. It was noted that whilst this area was outside the Downs as defined by the Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation Act 1984, the Chairman would raise the matter with Surrey County Council.

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