Agenda item

Planning Application 16/01448/FUL - 2 Chase Road, Epsom KT19 8TL

Part two-storey/part single-storey flank extension to accommodate two affordable flat units (one, one bed flat to east of existing building and one three bedroom flat).  Demolition of a garage to rear, with associated parking and landscaping.  (Amended drawings received 25.07.2018).



Part two-storey/part single-storey flank extension to accommodate two affordable flat units (1, one bedroom flat to east of existing building and 1, three bedroom flat). Demolition of garage to rear, with associated parking and landscaping.  (Amended drawings received 25.07.2017).


Planning permission is PERMITTED subject to the following conditions:

Part A

1.1     Subject to a legal agreement being completed and signed to secure the following heads of terms:

a)              A commuted sum of £79,892.00

b)              The provision of 1 one-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom affordable rental units.

c)              An affordable housing deposit of £346,198

1.2     The Committee authorise the Head of Place Development to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:


(1)            The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

(2)            The development hereby permitted shall be constructed entirely of the materials as detailed on the schedule of materials on the planning application form

Reason: To secure a satisfactory appearance in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM9 and DM10 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(3)            No development shall take place until full details, of both hard and soft landscape proposals, including a schedule of landscape maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved landscape scheme (with the exception of planting, seeding and turfing) shall be implemented prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved and thereafter retained.

Reason: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of an appropriate landscape scheme in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(4)            Prior to the commencement of the development details of sustainability measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These details shall demonstrate how the development would be efficient in the use of energy, water and materials including means of providing the energy requirements of the development from renewable technologies. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the building, shall be maintained as such thereafter and no change shall take place without the prior written consent of the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that measures to make the development sustainable and efficient in the use of energy, water and materials are included in the development in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Core Strategy (2007).

(5)            The residential units hereby approved shall not be occupied until they have achieved a water efficiency standard using not more than 110 litres per person per day maximum indoor water consumption.

Reason: To ensure that the development is sustainable and makes efficient use of water to comply with Policy DM12 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(6)            No development shall take place until details and location of the installation of bat and bird boxes to enhance the biodiversity interest of the site have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved and thereafter maintained.

Reason: To enhance biodiversity and nature habitats in accordance with Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM4 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(7)            The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with the approved plans for 3 vehicles to be parked. Thereafter the parking area shall be retained and maintained for their designated purpose.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(8)            The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until the proposed widened vehicular access to Hook Road has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(9)            A pedestrian inter-visibility splay of 2m by 2m shall be provided on each side of the access, the depth measured from the back of the footway and the widths outwards from the edges of the access. No fence, wall or other obstruction to visibility between 0.6m and 2m in height above ground level shall be erected within the area of such splays.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(10)        No development shall commence until a Construction Transport Management Plan, to include details of:

a)              parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors

b)              loading and unloading of plant and materials

c)              storage of plant and materials

d)              programme of works (including measures for traffic management)

e)              provision of boundary hoarding behind any visibility zones

f)                HGV deliveries and hours of operation

g)              vehicle routing

h)              measures to prevent the deposit of materials on the highway

i)                before and after construction condition surveys of the highway and

a commitment to fund the repair of any damage caused


j)                no HGV movements to or from the site shall take place between the

hours of 8.30 and 9.15 am nor shall the contractor permit any HGVs

associated with the development at the site to be laid up and waiting, in Chase Road, Hook Road or other nearby residential roads during these times.


Only the approved details shall be implemented during the construction of the development.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(11)        No development shall take place until details of the design, external appearance and decorative finish of all fences, gates, walls, refuse store and any other means of enclosure have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the development first being occupied and shall thereafter be retained.

Reason: To secure a satisfactory appearance in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM9 and DM10 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(12)        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:

1761-08G; 1761-09C; 1761-10B; 1761-11C; 1761-12C  

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning as required by Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy 2007


(1)            The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012

(2)            The property is situated close to a former saw mill.  In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development, works should be suspended and it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority.  In that event, an investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and remediation carried out as is necessary, subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

(3)            No burning of materials obtained by site clearance shall be carried out on the application site.

(4)            The water efficiency standard required under condition 5 has been adopted by the local planning authority through the Development Management Policies 2015.  This standard is the ‘optional requirement’ detailed in Building Regulations 2010, Part G Approved Document (AD) Buildings Regulations (2015), at Appendix A paragraph A1. 

The applicant is advised that this standard can be achieved through either:

a)              using the ‘fittings approach’ where water fittings are installed as per the table at 2.1 in the AD or

b)              using the water efficiency calculation methodology detailed in the AD Part G Appendix A.

(5)            This form of development is considered liable for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). CIL is a non-negotiable charge on new developments which involve the creation of 100 square metres or more of gross internal floorspace or involve the creation of a new dwelling, even when this is below 100 square metres. The levy is a standardised, non-negotiable charge expressed as pounds per square metre, and are charged on the net additional floorspace generated by a development.

You will receive more information regarding the CIL in due course.

More information and the charging schedule are available online,frameless.htm?NRMODE=Published

(6)            Works related to the construction of the development hereby permitted, including works of demolition or preparation prior to building operations shall not take place other than between the hours of 08.00 to 18.00 hours Mondays to Fridays; 08.00 to 13.00 hours Saturdays; with no work on Saturday afternoons (after 13.00 hours), Sundays, Bank Holidays or Public Holidays

Part B


1.3     In the event that the section 106 Agreement referred to in Part A is not completed by 16 October 2017, the Head of Place Development be authorised to refuse the application for the following reason:



1.4     In the absence of a completed legal obligation under section 106 of

the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), the applicant has failed to comply with CS9 (Affordable Housing) and CS12 (Developer Contribution) of the 2007 Core Strategy in relation to the provision of affordable housing units, and a commuted sum in lieu of the on-site provision of affordable housing units.


Supporting documents: