Agenda item

Scrutiny Review of Epsom Playhouse

This report presents the Audit, Crime & Disorder and Scrutiny Committee with the Report of the Scrutiny Review Task Group on the Review of Epsom Playhouse.


The Committee received the report of the Scrutiny Review Task Group on Epsom Playhouse.

The following matters were considered:

·                     Characteristics and usage of Epsom Playhouse. The Chairman provided the Committee with a verbal summary of the Scrutiny Review Group’s report and findings. This included detailed analysis of the venue, its usage, and financial performance.

·                     Visitor consultation feedback The Committee noted the highly positive responses received from users of the Playhouse during the consultation carried out for the review, and that these strongly supported the continued operation of the venue.

·                     Capital works. The Committee was informed that bids for capital funding to replace the main stage and refurbish the toilet facilities in the first floor dressing room had been submitted for consideration in the 2018 budget setting process.

·                     Reduction of subsidy. The Committee noted the reduction in subsidy (both per ticket and total) achieved in recent years, and thanked the Head of Venues and Facilities and the staff working at the venue for their hard work to achieve this.

Following consideration, the Committee:

(1)          Approved the Report of the Scrutiny Review Task Group on the Review of Epsom Playhouse attached at Annexe 1.

(2)          Agreed that the report be presented to the Community & Wellbeing Committee on 23 January 2018.

Following these decisions, the Committee expressed its thanks and congratulations to the Head of Venues and Facilities, staff at the Playhouse, the Research, Consultation & Information Analyst, Councillor Mike Teasdale and the Scrutiny Officer for the amount of work put into the review.

Supporting documents: