Agenda item

Progress Report

A report to update the committee on the progress of matters considered previously and the activities of the Volunteer Groups.


The Committee was updated on the status of the Magnetometry survey and informed that Nikki Cowlard and her colleagues from the Epsom & Ewell Archaeology Society (EEHAS) were in the process of mapping more 30m square grid, following the encouraging results from the initial trial.  It was also reported that Nikki Cowlard was keen to meet with Professor Biddle whose experience and expertise would greatly add to the project, due to his involvement in the excavation of the site in 1959.  It was also suggested that a press release be compiled asking members of the public for their memories of the dig.

With regard to the marking out of the palace boundaries, it was agreed that the project could be included in list of key themes under the strengthening and promotion of the heritage value of the park.

It was noted that there were no plans for excavation or digging in the woodland area. 

The Committee welcomed the news that the kissing gate for the Round Pond had been installed and a Heron had been sighted which was a good sign that the gate was fulfilling its purpose.  It was noted also that the water level in the pond was slowly rising.

The project to develop dementia friendly signs was progressing in partnership with Epsom & Ewell’s Community Services with a view to adopting a uniform approach for the signs and pooling resources.

The following updates were received from volunteer groups:

Nonsuch Voles:  In addition the quarterly update detailed in the agenda, Paul Airey from Nonsuch Voles reported that there had been several incidents of vandalism since the last meeting. 

It was agreed that incidents of vandalism would likely reduce with the erection of further fencing and opportunities for grants were currently being explored and would be reported to the Committee at a later date.

Councillor Richard Broadbent on behalf of the Committee thanked the Nonsuch Voles for their efforts in clearing the Wickham Avenue and main ditch to promote drainage.

Nonsuch Watch:  Frances Wright of Nonsuch watch expressed her disappointment at the lack of feedback to information she had circulated on scenic pollution in Nonsuch Park particularly in relation to the decision to allow additional parking for an event to be held in May 2018.  The Committee acknowledged the position outlined in her email, and reassured her that steps were being taken to ensure minimal disturbance of the land in question, and any further requests for extended parking would not be allowed automatically. 

To assist with the planning of future projects it was agreed that following the event a report would be submitted to Committee detailing how the event was managed and any environmental impact resulting from the additional parking.

Friends of Nonsuch:  Gerald Smith of Friends of Nonsuch was unable to attend the meeting to give a verbal update.  However he wished it to be noted that the refurbishment of the museum was going well and the gallery, the only part of the museum that was still open continued to attract many visitors in particular those from overseas.

Accordingly, the Committee considered the updates provided in the report and noted its contents.

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