Agenda item

Backlog Maintenance 2015/16 - Mid Year Update Report


The Panel received the mid-year progress report on the backlog maintenance programme and proposed adjustments to the programme for emergency repairs.

The report informed members that in accordance with Financial Regulations, additional funding of £25,015 had been vired into the backlog maintenance programme in year.  This sum was broken down as follows:

·         £3,115 from car parks for some health and safety works at Hudson House car park

·         £3,200 for works to Borough Boards on Stoneleigh Broadway and in the Market Place

In addition, it had been agreed under delegated that £18,700 from the Repairs and Renewals fund for Social Centres could be spent on urgent repair and redecoration works at the Longmead.

The Panel further noted that the Council was required to carry out certain statutory works such as electrical PAT testing, fire risk assessments and maintenance of watercourses. These related to health and safety legislation and were therefore inappropriately included with backlog schemes. It was therefore proposed to relocate these budgets to separate budget areas: statutory works (£30,000) and watercourse works (£5,000). £35,000 had been included in the 2015/16 schedule of schemes so in future years this would reduce the base backlog budget from £210,000 to £175,000. It was intended that these works would continue to be monitored by officers and progress reported to Members with the backlog maintenance schemes.

Annexe 2 to report highlighted that certain additional emergency schemes had been identified which needed to be undertaken this financial year as follows:



The works




Bourne Hall lodge

Roof replacement, render repairs & Waterproofing




Town Hall Toilets

Ground floor toilets refurbishment




Various sites

Hard Surfaces- repairs to paving walkways etc. areas highlighted as urgent King Georges field & Bourne Hall park.




Ashley centre car park

Emergency works Relining Car Park level 4




Bourne Hall Alterations

Alterations to accommodate conquest Art








Any unspent emergency works provision would be made available for 2016/17 schemes, including emergency schemes via the Council’s Property Maintenance Reserve at year end.  Unspent provision for works in progress would be carried forward via the Council’s Property Maintenance Reserve at year-end.

The Panel discussed the maintenance schedule and it was noted that:

·         Cox Lane would be reviewed under the Asset Management Plan;

·         Repairs to walkways under the Council’s ownership would be addressed;

·         Further investigations would be carried out into urgent temporary roof repairs at Bourne Hall Lodge;

·         Further investigations would be carried out as necessary regarding any other assets identified as being in need of urgent attention;

·         No expenditure would be committed on the works to the Town Hall toilets prior to further approval being granted from the Strategy and Resources Committee;

·         The County Councillors would be asked to consider a financial contribution for the provision of the Market Place notice board.

Accordingly, the Panel:

(1)       Received the mid-year progress report on the backlog maintenance programme;

(2)       Noted the changes made to the programme under delegated authority;

(3)       Recommended to the Strategy and Resources Committee a change in budget heads to hold regulatory property maintenance works budgets separate from the backlog budgets, but still subject to in-year officer budget virements and the additional emergency schemes as set out in Annexe 2 to the report be approved.