Agenda item

Horton Chapel, Haven Way, Epsom, Surrey - 19/00111/FUL

Variation of conditions 4, 6 and 9 Planning Application Reference Number: 17/01378/FUL.  Date of Decision: 10/04/2018



Variation of conditions 4, 6 and 9 Planning Application Reference Number: 17/01378/FUL         Date of Decision: 10/04/2018


Planning permission DEFERRED and the decision delegated to the Head of Planning to allow discussion with the applicant regarding withdrawing the element of the proposal to vary conditions 4 and 6 to allow the number of parking spaces and layout to remain in line with the original application.

Postscript:  Following the meeting the Head of Planning secured an agreement with the applicant not to amend conditions 4 and 6 and thereby retaining the originally approved car parking layout and number of spaces, 57.  Consequently the under delegated powers the Head of Planning granted the application, subject to the following conditions:


(1)            The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004

(2)            No development shall take place until full details, of both hard and soft landscape proposals, including a schedule of landscape maintenance for a minimum period of 5 years, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved landscape scheme (with the exception of planting, seeding and turfing) shall be implemented within one year of the occupation of the development hereby approved and thereafter retained.

Reason: To ensure the provision, establishment and maintenance of an appropriate landscape scheme in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(3)            Prior to the commencement of any development works, including ground preparation, details of the tree protection measures to accord with British Standard 5837 shall be submitted to an approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the approved measures shall be implemented/erected and shall remain in place for the duration of the construction works. The protection barriers shall only be removed on the completion of all construction activity and with the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority. All works shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect the trees on site which are to be retained in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy 2007 and Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(4)            No part of the building shall be occupied until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with approved plans for a maximum of 57 cars and 20 bicycles to be parked, and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear.  The parking area shall be used and retained exclusively for its designated use.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007.

(5)            No development shall commence until a Construction Transport Management Plan, to include details of:

(a) parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors

(b) loading and unloading of plant and materials

(c) storage of plant and materials

(e) provision of boundary hoarding behind any visibility zones

(f) HGV deliveries and hours of operation

(g) vehicle routing

(h) measures to prevent the deposit of materials on the highway

(i) before and after construction condition surveys of the highway and a commitment to fund the repair of any damage caused

(j) no HGV movements to or from the site shall take place between the hours of 8.00 and 9.15 am and 3.15 and 4.00 pm nor shall the contractor permit any HGVs associated with the development at the site to be laid up, waiting, in the vicinity during these times.

Has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Only the approved details shall be implemented during the construction of the development.

Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007.

(6)            The proposed parking spaces shall be constructed using the materials stated in the application.  Before work on their construction commences details of the means of delineation of the individual spaces on the ground (integral to the surface) shall be provided to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the work shall be carried out in accordance with those approved details.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance that is compatible with the setting of a listed building and the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. To accord with Policy DM8 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015.

(7)            All underground services (including cabling for lighting bollards) shall be carried-out in accordance with the NJUG Guidelines for the Planning, Installation and Maintenance of Utility Apparatus in Proximity to Trees – Issue 2.

Reason: To ensure that the existing tree roots are protected from damage in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(8)            Before the commencement of the development an Ecological Implementation Plan, setting out how and when the recommendations contained in the applicant’s Ecological Impact Assessment produced by New Leaf Ecology and dated September 2017 will be implemented, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any works shall thereafter only be undertaken in accordance with the approved Implementation Plan.

Reason: To ensure that the recommendations in the Ecology Report are implemented in the interests of protecting the identified species on the site including bats, to secure the enhancements to biodiversity proposed and to comply with Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy 2007 and Policy DM4 of the Development Management Policies 2015.

(9)            The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:

1778-EX-01 Site Location

1778-EX-02 Existing plan and roof plan

1778-EX-03 Existing Elevations

1778-EX-04 Existing Sections

1778-SK-20L Proposed Ground Floor plan

1778-SK-21K Proposed Sections

1778-SK-22D Proposed Roof Plan

1778-SK-23J Proposed Site Plan

1778-SK-25D Proposed SW & NE Elevations

1778-SK-26D Proposed NW & SE Elevations

1778-SK-27A Mobile teaching pods

1778-SK-28A Internal Elevations Office Screen

1778-SK-30C Internal Elevations Servery Bar

1778-SK-31B Services Entries and Excavations

1778-SK-33A Roof level - rooflights and vent grills

1778-SK-34B Car Park Lighting

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning as required by Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy 2007.


(1)            The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018

(2)            Please note that this planning permission does not convey approval for new signs that require separate consent under the Advertisement Regulations 2007. Such would need to be the subject of a separate application for Advertisement Consent.

(3)            Any works to the roof (including the installation of the proposed new roof lights is likely to involve potential disturbance of bats, which are a protected species. It is important to note that such disturbance would potentially involve committing a criminal offence unless it is done strictly under the terms of a license from Natural England. The applicant is therefore advised to contact Natural England at eh earliest opportunity before works commence in order to secure the relevant licence and associated monitoring.

(4)            You are advised that no construction work should be carried out in such a manner as to be audible at the site boundary before 07.30 hours on Monday to Friday or after 18.30 hours on Monday to Friday; no construction work should be audible at the site boundary before 08.00 and after 13.00 hours on Saturdays and no construction work of any nature shall be carried out on Sundays or Bank Holidays or Public Holidays.

Supporting documents: