Agenda item

The Royal Automobile Country Club (RAC), Old Barn Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7EW

Variation of Condition 15 of Planning Permission ref: 17/00542/FUL, dated 7 December 2017, to extend the opening hours of the external play facilities and café area in the walled garden from 6:00pm to 8:00pm between April and September (inclusive) and in the winter months 5pm on any given day.




Variation of Condition 15 of Planning Permission ref: 17/00542/FUL, dated 7 December 2017, to extend the opening hours of the external play facilities and café area in the walled garden from 6:00pm to 8:00pm between April and September (inclusive) and in the winter months 5pm on any given day



Planning Permission is PERMITTED subject following conditions

(1)           The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of the Planning Permission dated 7 December 2017


Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004

(2)          Ground works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details, approved under application ref: 18/01341/COND, dated 28.02.2019


Reason: To ensure that the works are in keeping with the historic setting of the listed wall and to ensure a satisfactory external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM8 and DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document - 2015

(3)          The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and samples of materials for the external surfaces of the development, approved under ref: 18/01341/COND, dated 28.02.2019


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document – 2015

(4)          The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details of the children's outdoor play equipment, approved under ref: 19/01067/COND, dated 15.10.2019


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory external appearance of the building in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document - 2015

(5)          The development shall be carried out in accordance with the Construction Management Transport Plan and Logistics Plan and other approved documents and drawings, approved under ref: 18/01339/COND, dated 27.03.2019.


Reason: In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users and to accord with the provisions of policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(6)          Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved, a revised Travel Plan shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority in accordance with the sustainable development aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework, Surrey County Council's "Travel Plans Good Practice Guide", and in general accordance with the 'Heads of Travel Plan' document. The approved Travel Plan shall be implemented on first occupation of the new development and for each and every subsequent occupation of the development, and the Travel Plan should thereafter maintained and developed to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.


Reason: To promote sustainable means of travel and ensure that the development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic and conditions of safety on the highway or cause inconvenience to other highway users as required by Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007

(7)          The landscaping shall take place in strict accordance with the approved details of the landscaping scheme, approved under ref: 18/01341/COND, dated 28.02.2019. The landscaping shall take place in strict accordance with the phased programme and the planting in each phase shall be maintained for a period of five years, such maintenance to include the replacement of any plants that die.


Reason: To ensure the provisions and maintenance of soft landscaping, in the interest of visual amenity as required by Policies CS1, CS2, CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM5 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(8)          The development shall be carried out in accordance with the agreed details of the Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plans, agreed under ref: 18/01439/COND, dated 27.03.2019. No equipment, machinery or materials shall be brought onto the site for the purposes of the development until fencing has been erected in accordance with the Tree Protection Plan. Within any area fenced in accordance with this condition, nothing shall be stored, placed or disposed of above or below ground, the ground level shall not be altered, no excavations shall be made, nor shall any fires be lit, without the prior written consent of the local planning authority. The fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved details, until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been moved from the site.


Reason: To protect the trees on site which are to be retained in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality in accordance with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM5 and DM9 of the Development Management Policies 2015

(9)          The development shall be constructed in accordance with the measures outlined in Energy and Sustainability Statement, dated October 2014


Reason: To ensure that the development is sustainable and makes efficient use of energy, water and materials in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Core Strategy 2007

(10)       The development shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the mitigation and enhancement measures outlined in the Ecological Appraisal dated October 2014 (Report Reference - EDP1297_07e) and the principles set out in the Landscape and Biodiversity Management Strategy November 2014, Family Facility, Woodcote Park, Royal Automobile Club, Epsom Ecology Position Statement 2017 C_EDP1297_18, Technical Note: Ecological Update 2016 (ref:C_EDP1297_14); and Ecological Management Plan (EMP) (ref: C_EDP1297_15b).


Reason: To safeguard and enhance biodiversity in accordance with Policy CS3 of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policy DM4 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(11)       The developers shall give at least two weeks' notice to Surrey County Council's Principal Archaeologist of their intention to start work on the site, and shall afford access at all reasonable times to any qualified person nominated by the Local Planning Authority, so that they shall have the opportunity to observe any works involving disturbance of the ground, and record any items of archaeological interest.


Reason: It is possible that minor items or features of archaeological interest will be disturbed in the course of the development, and these should be rescued or recorded before they are lost, as required Policy DM8 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015.

(12)       If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present at the site then no further development (unless otherwise agreed in writing with the local planning authority) shall be carried out until the developer has submitted, and obtained written approval from the local planning authority for, a remediation strategy detailing how this unsuspected contamination shall be dealt with. The remediation strategy shall be implemented as approved


Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance with Policy DM17 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(13)       Piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods shall not be permitted other than with the express written consent of the local planning authority, which may be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to groundwater. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure the development does not impact on local underground infrastructure or harm the future occupants of the site in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Core Strategy 2007 and Policy DM17 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015.

(14)       The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved FRA produced by Atkins dated November 2014 reference no. 5127703_200/072/DG/007 and Drainage Strategy produced by Precision dated 13/09/17 reference no.002/RAC Drainage Strategy Rev.8


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(15)       The external play facilities and café area in the Walled Garden shall not be used before 8am or after 8pm between April and September (inclusive) and in the remaining months 5pm on any given day. The facilities within the pool house (within the Walled Garden) shall not be used before 6am or after 10pm on any given day.


Reason: To protect the amenities of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(16)       No construction work shall be carried out before 07:30 hours or after 18:30 hours Monday to Friday; no construction work before 08:00 or after 13:00 hours on Saturdays and no construction work of any nature shall be carried out on Sundays or Bank/Public Holidays.


Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the enjoyment of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015

(17)       Vehicle service deliveries to the walled garden facilities shall only take place between 8am and 6pm weekdays and between 9am to 1pm on Saturdays


Reason: To protect the amenities of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies Document 2015


(18)       Prior to the commencement of the development (other than ground works and access construction) the applicant shall submit detailed hydraulic calculations of the final drainage calculation to include the following:

Evidence that the proposed solution will effectively manage the 1 in 30 & 1 in 100 (+Climate change allowance) for storm events. Detailed hydraulic calculation of each SUDs feature shall be included.

Detailed drawings to include: a finalised drainage layout detailing the location of SUDs elements, pipe diameters, levels, details of how SuDS elements will be protected from root damage and long and cross sections of each SuDS element and including details of any flow restrictions.

Half drain time of 24 hours shall be achieved for at least the 1:30 year storm


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(19)       The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the details of a Sustainable Drainage System, approved under application ref: 18/01543/COND, dated 25.03.2019


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(20)       The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details relating to surface water, pollution risk and Sustainable Drainage System, as approved under ref: 18/01475/COND, dated 25.03.2019


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(21)       The scheme detailing maintenance regimes and responsibilities of the drainage and SUDs elements during the operation and lifetime of the systems were approved under ref: 19/00037/COND, dated 29.03.2019. The development shall thereafter be managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(22)       Prior to the first occupation of the development, a verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the Sustainable Urban Drainage System has been constructed as per the agreed scheme.


Reason: To ensure suitable drainage of the development to reduce risk of flooding in accordance with Policy CS6 of the Epsom & Ewell Core Strategy 2007

(23)       The development shall be carried out in accordance with the MUGA noise management and monitoring plan, approved under ref: 19/01379/COND, dated 09.01.2020


Reason: To protect the occupants of nearby residential properties from noise disturbance in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies 2015


(24)       Any weldmesh fencing, panels or similar materials used to enclose the MUGAs shall be securely clamped with resilient fixings to avoid vibrations, and any advertising signs in proximity to the playing surface shall be made from vinyl or other material which is resistant to the generation of impact noise.


Reason: To protect the occupants of nearby residential properties from noise disturbance in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Development Management Policies 2015

(25)       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

1524_105 P7; 1524_110 P15; 1524_111 P14; 1524_112 P2; 1524_120 P9; 1524_121 P2; 1524_125 P2; 1524_126 P1; 1524_130 P6; (90)LP001 R09 - General Arrangement Plan; (90)LP002 R01 - Landscape Colour Masterplan


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans to comply with Policy CS5 of the Core Strategy (2007)



(1)          In dealing with the application the Council has implemented the requirement in the National Planning Policy Framework to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive way.  We have made available detailed advice in the form or our statutory policies in the Core Strategy, Supplementary Planning Documents, Planning Briefs and other informal written guidance, as well as offering a full pre-application advice service, in order to ensure that the applicant has been given every opportunity to submit an application which is likely to be considered favourably.

(2)          The applicant should note that under the terms of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, it is an offence to disturb nesting birds. Any works to trees should take place outside of the bird breeding season and if this is not possible an inspection for breeding birds should be carried out by a qualified ecologist no more than 24 hours prior to any works taking place.

(3)          The applicants are reminded of the need to secure a European Protected Species Mitigation Licence from Natural England prior to the commencement of any works hereby approved.

Supporting documents: