Agenda item

S106 Update Report

This report provides an update on the funds held under Section 106 planning agreements.



The Committee received a report which provided an update on the funds held under Section 106 (s106) planning agreements.

The Panel was reminded that Community Infrastructure Levy was a separate matter.  This report related to residual s106 monies which was a reducing source of income.  The Panel was informed that the Council currently held a balance of s106 funds of £3.7m.  £0.2m was due to other organisations - mainly Surrey County Council - and £1.9m of these funds had been earmarked to fund projects within the current capital programme.  Therefore, the remaining uncommitted balance was £1.5m.  A further £1.0m of s106 was earmarked for funding potential projects, which reduced the uncommitted balance of funds to just under £0.5m – some of which might potentially be used for some property acquisition.

In relation to uncommitted contributions, it was noted that, whilst no use had been identified for the circa £16k received in relation to the 468 Chessington Road agreement, this amount was made up of various sums of money held for different purposes and could not be used wholly on one particular project.  Additionally, in response to a query regarding the use of some of the balance outstanding in relation to the West Park agreement for secure allotment fencing around the Noble Park allotments (not a Council owned site), it was noted that Senior Accountant, Lesley Shields, would be able to provide a breakdown of the allocation of the circa £75k not allocated to Horton Chapel. 

The report informed the Panel that, at its meeting on 17 March 2015, the Leisure Committee had, in principle, approved a project to replace the multi-play equipment at Poole Road Recreation Ground which had been decommissioned on health and safety grounds.  It was proposed to fund this project from the following s106 funds:






Previous use of s106


7-9 Windmill Lane

Provision of open space facilities within EEBC


None used


33A and 35 Cheam Road

Provision of open space facilities within EEBC


Flood works at Clarendon Park


137-139 Chessington Road Ewell

Provision or improvement of public open space within EEBC


Playground equipment at Pemberley Chase


379-393 Kingston Road Ewell

Parks, gardens & amenity green space




Gatley Playground


379-393 Kingston Road Ewell

Parks, gardens & amenity green space


Gatley Playground






The report further informed the Panel that, following on from the success of the skate/BMX park projects, Officers had identified a piece of Parkour equipment they wished to locate in Court Recreation Ground.  Parkour was a growing sport and had been successfully introduced in other Boroughs. Parkour Training Facilities catered for anyone over the age of 8 years old (ParkourUK recommended age for beginners) and therefore catered for a very large demographic that in some play areas was under catered for.  S106 money could be used to fund this project as it qualified as an outdoor sports facility.  Quotes had been received in the region of £11,000 including a contingency.  It was proposed to fund this contribution from the agreement in relation to Pine Lodge, Horton Lane.  The condition attached to this sum was that it was to be used for the provision of open space/outdoor sports facilities within the Borough.  To date none of the contribution (£27,652.09) had been utilised.  On-going maintenance of the equipment could be met within existing resources.

The report further highlighted that two schemes had been approved as part of the 2014/15 capital programme subject to s106 funding becoming available:

·                     Parks Bench Replacement Programme (£26,000):  Officers had identified a need to start a park bench replacement programme.  It was proposed to place two new benches in each of the Council’s 26 parks.

·                     Replacement of Parks Boards - Improvement to Onsite Visitor Information (£43,000):   It was proposed to improve visitor information in seven of the Council’s high profile parks.  The project was to include providing signs to identify the park and welcome visitors, renewed artwork to provide an informative park map, lockable noticeboards which could be used by Friends Groups and the Council and renewed byelaw signs.

Having noted the current position on s106 funds held by the Council, the Panel:

(1)          Supported the use of s106 funds identified in the report for the following schemes: Poole Road Recreation Ground Play Equipment (£18,000), Court Recreation Ground Parkour equipment (£10,900);

(2)          Supported the allocation of s106 identified in the report to the capital schemes for Parks Information Boards and Park Bench Replacement previously approved in 2014/15 capitalprogramme.

Supporting documents: