This report seeks approval to the Joint Management Committee’s budget for 2016/17.
The Joint Management Committee (JMC) received and considered a report which provided a latest estimate of income and expenditure for the current financial year and sought approval of its budget for 2016/17.
It was noted that forecast net expenditure for 2015/16 was approximately £4k under budget. The main reason for this variance was because the budget contained provision of £4k for the review of the Habitat Management Plan which was carried out every five years and last undertaken in 2014/15.
It was confirmed that the estimates for 2016/17 accommodated general inflationary pressures (* see postscript) and noted that increases in contribution of 2% were requested from both Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton. Whilst the JMC was mindful of the financial pressures facing both authorities, members were reminded of the JMCs obligations to the freeholder, Surrey County Council, under the headlease.
It was noted that the condition of the roads and parking surfaces had been highlighted as a continued financial risk but that there was nothing specifically included in the budget report about addressing this. The Committee was reminded of the previous reports and discussions around the Maintenance Plan and priority works and the conflicting demands on the JMCs budget. The state of the car parks was included in the JMC’s risk register. The priority, in accordance with the JMCs obligations under the lease, was to deal with the most urgent issues around health and safety and the maintenance of the Mansion House itself. This year’s proposed priority works would be included in a report to the JMC in April and it was confirmed that a more substantial repair of car parks, particularly to the Mansion House car park, was on the “wish list” of works as the temporary repairs had not been as successful as had been hoped.
It was queried why actual spend as at 30 November against some heads was low or nil. It was explained that this was an issue around the timing of invoices but that the Committee’s Treasurer was comfortable with the forecast outturn on expenditure as set out in Annexe 1 to the report.
It was confirmed that the reference to the inclusion of provision of up to £5,000 for contribution to London Borough of Sutton staffing costs was a reference to the potential submission of a lottery bid (Minute 31 refers). It was further confirmed that separate dog waste bins were no longer provided in the park and that the reference in Annexe 1 to the emptying of dog bins was in fact a reference to emptying bins in general.
Accordingly, it was agreed that:
(1) The Joint Management Committee’s revenue budget for 2016/17 be agreed as set out in Annexe 1 to the report;
(2) Contributions of £99,400 be sought from both Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton for the financial year 2016/17;
(3) If necessary, a Member Working Party should be established to look at the on-going budget situation in the face of continuing budgetary pressures facing both authorities.
* Postscript: It was confirmed after the meeting that additional pension Fund contributions were also a significant factor
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