Agenda item

Performance and Risk Report - February 2024

The appendix to this report provides an overview of the Council’s performance with respect to its 2023-2024 annual plan objectives, key performance indicators, corporate risks, committee risks, and annual governance statement actions.


The appendix to this report provides an overview of the Council’s performance with respect to its 2023-2024 annual plan objectives, key performance indicators, corporate risks, committee risks, and annual governance statement actions. 

The following matters were considered:

a)            Delivering the Local Plan. A Member of the Committee asked why the risk is still so high for a failure to deliver the Local Plan now the Local Plan process has been unpaused. The Interim Director of Corporate Services responded to confirm that the recommencing of the Local Plan process removed one set of risks, however other risks around the changing of national legislation, the cost, the strict timeline, and availability of staffing have all contributed to the risk staying high.

b)            Surrey Transport Assessment. A Member of the Committee asked if the relevant documentation has been submitted to SCC for the Transport Assessment to be completed in time to continue to hit the Local Plan deadlines and whether this has also been factored in to the risk report. The Interim Director of Corporate Services confirmed that SCC have received the relevant information to carry out the Transport Assessment, however this step has not been reflected in the risk set out in the report, as it was not completed within quarter two, it will be reflected in the next report for quarter three to assess the overall risk level.

c)            Local Plan Site Selection. A Member of the Committee asked if there was scope for the Committee to discuss a suggested mitigating factor of the Local Plan Site Selection being approved by Committee before being sent to SCC. The Interim Director of Corporate Services informed the Committee that officers were empowered to take forward the necessary steps in order to progress to the next required step and they have been guided by the Member Briefings held regarding the site selection. The Interim Director of Corporate Services continued to explain that submitting the documentation to SCC is not something that needs formal approval from Members in order to progress.

d)            Red Categories. A Member of the Committee asked how many quarters an item will remain as red before it is escalated, with either further resources put in, or an in-depth consideration as to how to progress the item and lower the risk. The Interim Director of Corporate Services informed the Committee that some risks will continue in red, due to the inherent high-risk nature of the activity and there may be little that can be done to mitigate those risks.  The Interim Director of Corporate Services highlighted that if it gets to a point where an item is regarded as too risky, it can be a conversation with the relevant Committee Chair to discuss whether continuing down that route is something the Council should do. The Interim Director of Corporate Services informed the Committee that the risk register goes to monthly meetings with Committee Chairs, and is regularly reviewed and managed, through conversations with officers to talk about the risks and to add new risks to mitigate existing risks. The Business Assurance Manager informed the Committee that Strategy and Resources Committee approved the annual review of the risk management strategy in November and as part of that they agreed to run Councillor workshops on risk appetite, where risk targets can be discussed. The Business Assurance Manager confirmed that some of the red category risks are difficult to mitigate further without significant additional resource.

e)            Climate Change Strategy. A Member of the Committee asked why the impact of failure to deliver the Climate Change Strategy is the same level as the impact of failure to balance the budget.The Business Assurance Manager informed the Committee that they would need to consult with the relevant officers to provide a definitive answers. The Business Assurance Manager explained to the Committee that in the risk management strategy, there are various categories of risk impact, if something relates to a key strategic objective and priority of the Council and it looks like it will not be achieved, that is why it is categorised as red.

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)      Note and comment on the performance and risk information located at Appendix 1.



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