Committee attendance

Council, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Bridger 1
Councillor John Beckett 1
Councillor Kate Chinn 1
Councillor Lucie McIntyre 1
Councillor Neil Dallen MBE 1
Councillor Hannah Dalton 0
Councillor Liz Frost 1
Councillor Rob Geleit 1
Councillor Jan Mason 1
Councillor Peter O'Donovan 0
Councillor Humphrey Reynolds 1
Councillor Clive Woodbridge 1
Councillor Steven McCormick 1
Councillor Graham Jones MBE 0
Councillor Alan Williamson 1
Councillor Darren Talbot 1
Councillor Julian Freeman 1
Councillor James Lawrence 1
Councillor Chris Ames 0
Councillor Kim Spickett 1
Councillor Chris Watson 1
Councillor Kieran Persand 1
Councillor Shanice Goldman 1
Councillor Alison Kelly 1
Councillor Tony Froud 1
Councillor Rachel King 0
Councillor Robert Leach 1
Councillor Julie Morris 1
Councillor Bernie Muir 1
Councillor Alex Coley 0
Councillor Christine Howells 0
Councillor Phil Neale 1
Councillor Arthur Abdulin 1
Councillor Bernice Froud 0
Councillor Christine Cleveland 1
Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Kate Chinn 1
Councillor Neil Dallen MBE 3
Councillor Rob Geleit 3
Councillor Peter O'Donovan 4
Councillor Humphrey Reynolds 4
Councillor Clive Woodbridge 4
Councillor Steven McCormick 2
Councillor James Lawrence 1
Councillor Kieran Persand 3
Councillor Shanice Goldman 3
Councillor Tony Froud 2
Councillor Robert Leach 3
Councillor Julie Morris 4
Councillor Bernie Muir 1
Councillor Christine Howells 2
Councillor Phil Neale 4
Councillor Bernice Froud 1
Planning Committee, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Beckett 1
Councillor Kate Chinn 4
Councillor Lucie McIntyre 1
Councillor Neil Dallen MBE 4
Councillor Jan Mason 3
Councillor Humphrey Reynolds 4
Councillor Clive Woodbridge 4
Councillor Steven McCormick 5
Councillor Julian Freeman 4
Councillor Chris Ames 1
Councillor Chris Watson 5
Councillor Alison Kelly 1
Councillor Rachel King 1
Councillor Bernie Muir 3
Councillor Phil Neale 5
Councillor Bernice Froud 1
Strategy and Resources Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor John Beckett 1
Councillor Kate Chinn 4
Councillor Lucie McIntyre 4
Councillor Neil Dallen MBE 3
Councillor Hannah Dalton 3
Councillor Steven McCormick 2
Councillor Graham Jones MBE 1
Councillor James Lawrence 2
Councillor Kim Spickett 1
Councillor Alison Kelly 3
Councillor Tony Froud 1
Councillor Robert Leach 3
Councillor Bernie Muir 1
Councillor Alex Coley 3
Councillor Phil Neale 4