Committee details

Crime and Disorder Committee

Purpose of committee

Questions and Statements from the Public


At meetings of the Crime and Disorder Committee, any member of the public who lives, works, attends an educational establishment or owns or leases land in the Borough may ask a question or make a statement on matters within the Terms of Reference of the Committee.


If you wish to ask a question or make a statement at a meeting of this Committee, please contact Democratic Services at:


Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services by noon on the third working day before the day of the meeting. A summary of statements must be received by Democratic Services by noon on the working day before the day of the meeting


For more information on public speaking protocol at Committees, please see Annex 4.2 of the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Operating Framework.


Terms of Reference


Crime and Disorder Committee

5 members

Terms of reference:

1.       To carry out the functions falling withing the committee’s area of responsibility as set out below, working within the budget and policy framework approved by the Full Council, except where these functions remain reserved to the Full Council or have been delegated to another committee within the council’s scheme of delegation. Where a new or changed policy will have a budget impact outside the budget approved by the Full Council, this must be referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee.

2.       To decide on matters falling within its responsibility or delegate decision making to Directors, in accordance with Appendix 2. However, this does not prevent the committee from choosing to exercise the function itself.

3.       The committee will normally meet twice during the course of the year.

Areas of responsibility:

a.  Input into the development of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) work programme and strategy, through attendance at its meetings by the Chair of the Crime and Disorder Committee.

b.  Consider crime and disorder issues which are not covered by the work of the CSP and be responsible for developing the council’s response to emerging issues, legislation and developing policy

c.  Oversee the council’s response to the PREVENT and PROTECT activities both of which are part of counter terrorism activities and strategy, CONTEST, and ensure that the council is considering the recommendations of these guidelines in the discharge of its duties and the work that it does

d.  Consider council led initiatives relating to crime and disorder which would not fall under the remit of the CSP or any other committee.

e.  Make recommendations to the Strategy and Resources Committee for any items of expenditure outside the budget approved by the Full Council.

f.    Chair of Crime and Disorder Committee to have oversight of the Community Safety budget (held and overseen by Strategy and Resources Committee) along with the Community Safety Reserves, both of which shall be monitored via quarterly meetings (in line with financial reporting) at meetings with the Head of Housing and Community (or their nominee).


In carrying out its responsibilities the committee will:

1.  Work in partnership with other policy committees and sub-committees.

2.  Develop, make decisions about and keep under review the committee’s budget ensuring any decisions about spend are made within the allocated budget envelope.

3.  Ensure any decisions about additional spend to the committee’s agreed budget are in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

4.  Have consideration to the Risk Management Strategy, key performance indicators and any action relevant to the committee’s remit.

5.  Work with partners and other agencies to fulfil its responsibilities.

6.  Have oversight of any matters of interest or concern relevant to this committee’s remit.

To make recommendations regarding:

a.  Changes to this committee’s terms of reference.

b.  Other matters under the committee’s jurisdiction which, by virtue of statutory provision, must be determined by Full Council.

c.   New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which would require resources beyond those allocated to the committee.

To resolve:

a.       New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which can be accommodated within the committee’s overall allocation of resources.

b.  Responses to consultations from the Government, other authorities and external agencies where there is a potentially significant impact upon the delivery of services falling under the remit of the committee.



Contact information

Support officer: Email: tel: 01372 732000