Issue - decisions

Environment and sustainability working group

17/07/2024 - Environment and sustainability working group

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)          Agree the continuation of the Environment and Sustainability Working Group.

(2)          Approve the terms of reference for the Working Group as set out at Appendix 1 of the report.

(3)          Agree to appoint members to the working group as set out below:

-       The Vice-Chair of the Environment Committee (to preside as Chair of the working group) – Councillor Alan Williamson

-       Residents’ Association members – Councillors Christine Cleveland, Tony Froud, and Jan Mason

-       Conservative member – Councillor Kieran Persand

-       Labour member – Councillor Chris Ames

-       Liberal Democrat member – Councillor Julie Morris

(4)          To authorise the Vice Chair, and in their absence the Chair, to invite Councillors, stakeholders and officers to the Environment and Sustainability Working Group as required.