Issue - decisions

Private Sector Leasing Scheme

13/11/2024 - Private Sector Leasing Scheme

Following consideration, the Committee unanimously resolved to:

(1)       Agree to expand the PSL scheme for the provision of temporary accommodation from the current maximum number of 15 to 25.

(2)       Nominate and Authorise the Head of Housing and Community to enter into individual Private Sector Leases for residential property for use as temporary accommodation, in consultation with the Head of Property & Regeneration, for a period of not more than 5 years from the date when the lease is entered into.

(3)       Nominate and Authorise the Head of Housing and Community, in consultation with the Head of Property & Regeneration and Chief Finance Officer, to renew any lease entered into under the PSL scheme for a further period, of not more than 5 years from the date when the current lease period is due to end.