The Committee unanimously resolved to:
(1) Approve the award of a contract for the conduct of reviews of allocation and homelessness decisions to Residential Management Group (RMG) Ltd for a period of 1 year with an option to extend for a further period of 1 year and;
(2) Nominate and authorise to RMG Ltd the Council’s statutory functions pursuant to the provisions of s166A(9) and s202 of the Housing Act 1996 to perform reviews of decisions made either regarding the suitability of accommodation offered s166A(9) or as the result of a decision upon a request for assistance as homeless s202. And:
(3) Nominate and authorise to the Strategic Housing Manager the Council’s statutory functions pursuant to the provisions of s166A(9) and s202 of the Housing Act 1996 to perform reviews of decisions made either regarding the suitability of accommodation offered s166A(9) or as the result of a decision upon a request for assistance as homeless s202.
(4) Nominate and authorise Housing Reviews Ltd to conclude all outstanding cases as per the previous committee report in October.