Issue - decisions

Budget Targets for 2017/18

10/11/2016 - Budget Targets for 2017/18

Following consideration, the Committee:

(1)          Noted the implications of the budget targets approved by the Strategy & Resources Committee;

(2)          Supported the changes to services and savings identified in section 3.3 of the report and that these be included within the budget presented to the Committee in January 2017, subject to the item “Venues service review” (£64,000) being removed from the list;

(3)          Supported in principle the future savings options as set out in 3.4 of the report for further work and inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Strategy;

(4)          Endorsed the work streams as set out in 3.6 of the report;

(5)          Noted the approach to be taken in the identification of additional savings to be generated to address the Council-wide funding gap of £220,000 as identified in section 3.8 of the report.