Issue - decisions

Car Parking Review 2016

02/02/2017 - Car Parking Review 2016

The Committee:

(1)          Received and considered the findings of the Car Parking Working Group;

(2)          Agreed with the Car Parking Working Group’s recommendations as below that:

a)            Officers should conduct a study of blue badge usage within the rear of the Town Hall car park and, subject to the outcome, remove but to three blue badge bays;

b)            Subject to public consultation, the layout of Richards Fields car park should be altered to include a mix of residential permit parking and limited waiting bays for shoppers to visit the retail outlets in the area;

c)            In principle, if and when any annual permit schemes were introduced in Epsom and Ewell  Borough Council owned car parks in future, the charges should be aligned with Hook Road permit prices;

d)            Officers be authorised to allow the purchase of up to 15 permits in Court Recreation Group on a Monday to Friday basis for a price in line with the residents rate of £330 per year;

e)            Hook Road Car Park opening hours should not be extended and the current opening hours maintained;

(3)          Noted the changes to be made to the running of the car park service as outlined in the annexe subject to the Council’s Human Resources policies;

(4)          Agreed the following action to be undertaken by officers as a result of the review: namely:

a)            A review into the existing arrangements within the Kingston Road (Stoneleigh Parade) car park during 2017/18 (to be specifically undertaken by the Head of Property and Head of Legal and Democratic Services); the findings to be reported to a future meeting of the Committee;

b)            The introduction of signage identified during the Working Party tours, funded from current revenue budget allocation in 2016/17 and 2017/18;

c)            A review of the shopmobility service, the findings to be reported to a future meeting of the Community and Wellbeing Committee;

d)            A review of existing leading arrangements for car washing facilities in car parks by 30 September 2017;

e)            A review of the effectiveness of the moped introduced for on street parking with a business case for an additional moped to be carried forward as park of the budget requirement 2017/18;

f)             To pursue options for advertising in car parks during 2017/18;

g)            The investigation of potential site options for additional parking by the Council’s Place Development team and Head of Property.