Issue - decisions

Budget Targets 2016-17

19/11/2015 - Budget Targets 2016-17

The Committee:

·         Noted the implications of the budget targets approved by the Strategy and Resources Committee;

·         Noted that as a result of revised figures tabled at the meeting which affected the bottom line in relation to the Council’s projected share of Council Tax Income, the savings option in relation to the Council Tax Support Scheme would need to be revisited;

·         Supported in principle the future savings options set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report for further work and inclusion in the Medium Term Financial Strategy;

·         Did not provided any further guidance on specific issues to be covered in the preparation of service estimates for 2016/17;

·         Endorsed the work plan as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report

Note:  Councillor Omer Kokou-Tchri declared that section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 currently applied to him and that he would not therefore be voting on any question in relation to to this item