Following consideration, it was resolved that the Committee:
(1) Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 service estimates for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021;
(2) Agreed to confirm the savings options set-out in section 6 for inclusion in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget estimates, to mitigate the council’s projected budget gap;
(3) Agreed to support that any remaining budget gap for 2021/22 - after factoring in those savings agreed at recommendation 2 and savings agreed at other Policy Committees – should be funded from the Corporate Projects Reserve and Flexible Housing Support Grant, as set-out in section 3;
(4) Agreed to recommend the 2021/22 fees and charges, as set-out in Appendix 1, for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2021.