Meeting attendance

Thursday, 26th January, 2023 7.30 pm, Strategy and Resources Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall,

Contact:    Democratic Services, email:
tel: 01372 732000

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Neil Dallen MBE Chair Present
Councillor Liz Frost Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Hannah Dalton Vice-Chair Apologies, sent representative Substituted by Councillor Phil Neale
Councillor Kate Chinn Committee Member Present
Councillor Monica Coleman Committee Member Present
Councillor David Gulland Committee Member Present
Councillor Graham Jones MBE Committee Member Present
Councillor Colin Keane Committee Member Present
Councillor Eber Kington Committee Member Present
Councillor Phil Neale Committee Member Present as substitute
Councillor Alan Williamson Committee Member Present
Jackie King Officer In attendance Items 42-45 and 47-52 only
Andrew Bircher Officer In attendance
Victoria Potts Officer In attendance
Brendan Bradley Officer In attendance
Debbie Childs Officer In attendance Items 42-46 only
Mark Shephard Officer In attendance
Sue Emmons Officer In attendance
Tim Richardson Officer In attendance