Venue: Council Chamber - Epsom Town Hall
Contact: Tim Richardson, 01372 732122 Email:
No. | Item |
Question Time To take any questions from members of the Public.
Please note: Members of the Public are requested to inform the Democratic Services Officer before the meeting begins if they wish to ask a verbal question to the Committee. Decision: No Questions were received from members of the public. Minutes: No questions were received from members of the public. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in respect of any item of business to be considered at the meeting. Decision: The following declarations of interests were made by Councillors in relation to items of business on the agenda for the meeting: Voluntary Sector Grants and Funding 2019/20 Councillor Liz Frost MSc FCOptom, Other Interest: In the interests of openness and transparency Councillor Liz Frost declared that she is a Council appointed representative to the Committee of Management of Citizens Advice Epsom and Ewell. Voluntary Sector Grants and Funding 2019/20 Councillor Tony Axelrod, Other Interest: In the interests of openness and transparency Councillor Tony Axelrod declared that he held the position of Trustee to Citizens' Advice Epsom and Ewell as an Observer. Minutes: The following declarations of interests were made by Councillors in relation to items of business on the agenda for the meeting: Voluntary Sector Grants and Funding 2019/20 Councillor Liz Frost MSc FCOptom, Other Interest: In the interests of openness and transparency Councillor Liz Frost declared that she is a Council appointed representative to the Committee of Management of Citizens Advice Epsom and Ewell. Voluntary Sector Grants and Funding 2019/20 Councillor Tony Axelrod, Other Interest: In the interests of openness and transparency Councillor Tony Axelrod declared that he is a Council appointed representative to the Committee of Management of Citizens Advice Epsom and Ewell. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 82 KB The Committee is asked to confirm as a true record the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 9 October 2018 (attached) and to authorise the Chairman to sign them. Decision: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Community and Wellbeing Committee held on 9 October 2018 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting of the Community and Wellbeing Committee held on 9 October 2018 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. |
Private Sector Housing Grants Assistance Policy Review PDF 85 KB This report proposes amendments to the Private Sector Housing Grants Assistance Policy, to provide more flexible use of the Better Care Fund allocation. The Private Sector Housing Grants Assistance Policy was originally agreed by the Committee in June 2017 and launched in December 2017. Decision: It was resolved: (1) That the Committee agreed to recommend to amend the Housing Grants Assistance Policy.
Minutes: The Committee received a report proposing that it recommend amendments to the Private Sector Housing Grants Assistance Policy to the Council, to provide more flexible use of the Better Care Fund allocation. The following matter was considered: a) Support to vulnerable residents who do not qualify for financial assistance. The Committee was informed that support was available to vulnerable residents who did not qualify for financial assistance under the means test of the Policy. This support took the form of signposting residents to other services likely to be of assistance, offering a chargeable service for works, or sharing information regarding Council approved contractors. Following consideration it was resolved: (1) That the Committee agreed to recommend to amend the Housing Grants Assistance Policy.
Progress on Wellbeing Daycare+ PDF 78 KB This report gives an update of the higher needs model of daycare at the Community and Wellbeing Centre. Decision: It was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Supported the continued enterprise model of the daycare service within the Community and Wellbeing Centre for the next 12 months. (2) Agreed that a 15% discount be given off the daily fees to organisations that have the capacity to refer higher needs clients. (3) Agreed that a progress report be made to the Community and Wellbeing Committee in October 2019.
Minutes: The Committee received a report giving an update on the higher needs model of daycare at the Community and Wellbeing Centre. Following consideration, it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Supported the continued enterprise model of the daycare service within the Community and Wellbeing Centre for the next 12 months. (2) Agreed that a 15% discount be given off the daily fees to organisations that have the capacity to refer higher needs clients. (3) Agreed that a progress report be made to the Community and Wellbeing Committee in October 2019.
Voluntary Sector Grants and Funding 2019/20 PDF 83 KB
This report considers the general future support of voluntary organisations in 2019/20. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved: (1) That the Committee approved the proposed support for voluntary organisations in 2019/20, as detailed in Annex 1 to the report.
Minutes: The Committee received a report providing proposals for support of voluntary organisations in 2019/20. The report proposed that the same level of support be provided in 2019/20 as was provided in 2018/19. The following matter was considered: Methodology for identifying voluntary sector grants and funding. The Head of Housing and Community informed the Committee that an assessment matrix was utilised to identify proposals for voluntary sector grants and funding. A report would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee to provide it with information regarding the matrix. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Committee approved the proposed support for voluntary organisations in 2019/20, as detailed in Annex 1 to the report.
Lower Mole Partnership: Service Level Agreement PDF 106 KB This report proposes that the Committee approves a five year service level agreement with the Lower Mole Partnership, and recommends to Council the appointment of representatives to the Surrey Countryside Partnerships Board and Liaison Group for the Lower Mole Partnership. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Agreed to approve a further period of funding for the Lower Mole Partnership for five years via a Service Level Agreement. (2) Noted the Service Level Agreement requirement to provide one year’s notice in writing to withdraw from the agreement. (3) Recommended to Council the appointment of the Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee to the Surrey Countryside Partnerships Board and the appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee as a substitute member. (4) Recommended to Council that the Vice-Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee and one other Member are appointed to the Liaison group for the Lower Mole Partnership.
Minutes: The Committee received a report proposing the approval of a five year service level agreement with the Lower Mole Partnership, and recommending the appointment of representatives to the Surrey Countryside Partnerships Board and Liaison Group for the Lower Mole Partnership. Following consideration it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Agreed to approve a further period of funding for the Lower Mole Partnership for five years via a Service Level Agreement. (2) Noted the Service Level Agreement requirement to provide one year’s notice in writing to withdraw from the agreement. (3) Recommended to Council the appointment of the Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee to the Surrey Countryside Partnerships Board and the appointment of the Vice-Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee as a substitute member. (4) Recommended to Council that the Vice-Chairman of the Community and Wellbeing Committee and one other Member are appointed to the Liaison group for the Lower Mole Partnership.
Park Management Plans PDF 88 KB This report presents the Committee with five-year park management/action plans for Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground, and the results of the recent visitor surveys for both parks. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved: (1) To receive and note the results of the visitor surveys for Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground. (2) To receive and approve the 2018- 2023 park management plans and the actions set out for both Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground, and that an annual review of progress against the plans would be provided to the Committee in January 2020.
Minutes: The Committee received a report presenting five-year park management/action plans for Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground, and the results of the recent visitor surveys for both parks. The following matters were considered: a) Toilet facilities at Poole Road Recreation Ground. The Committee noted that responses received to the Pool Road visitor survey had included comments that visitors were uncertain of the availability of toilet facilities. Toilets were available at the Harrier Centre (located within the Recreation Ground) during it’s opening hours, and officers would consider whether this information could be included on park signage. b) Café facilities in parks. The Committee noted that it had approved the recommendations of a report regarding the provision of café facilities in parks at a previous meeting. The Chairman would seek an update on this matter from the Head of Operational Services following the meeting, and communicate it to members of the Committee. c) Annual review of Management Plans. The Committee requested that if approved, an annual review of the Management Plans be provided to it in January 2020. Following consideration it was resolved: (1) To receive and note the results of the visitor surveys for Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground. (2) To receive and approve the 2018-2023 park management plans and the actions set out for both Long Grove Park and Poole Road Recreation Ground, and that an annual review of progress against the plans would be provided to the Committee in January 2020.
Capital Programme 2019/20 PDF 87 KB This report summarises the proposed 2019/20 capital programme and a provisional programme for 2020-22. The Committee’s approval is sought for the programme to be submitted to Council in February 2019. Additional documents:
Decision: It was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Submitted the Capital Programme for 2019/20 as identified in section 4 and 5 of this report to the Council for approval on 19 February 2019; (2) Confirmed that it supported all of the schemes included in the provisional programme for 2020-22 as identified in section 6 of the report; (3) Noted that:- (a) schemes subject to external funding from Disabled Facilities Grants would only proceed when funding had been received; (b) schemes for 2020-22 were provisional pending an annual review of funds available for capital investment. Minutes: The Committee received a report summarising the proposed 2019/20 capital programme and a provisional programme for 2020-22. The Committee’s approval was sought for the programme to be submitted to Council in February 2019. The following matter was considered: a) Capital Bid for refurbishment of Bourne Hall toilets. Members of the Committee expressed the view that scope of refurbishment works to the Bourne Hall toilets should be broadened to include further elements not listed within the bid appraisal form attached at Annex 2 to the report, such as sink and toilet units. Members of the Committee expressed that works to these items would improve Bourne Hall customer experience, and reduce reputational risks, as the current facilities were dated and in need of replacement. The Chairman informed the Committee that the full details of the planned works were not contained within the report, and that he would discuss the Committee’s concerns with the Council’s Senior Surveyor following the meeting. The Chairman would communicate the outcome of this to members of the Committee. Following consideration it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Submitted the Capital Programme for 2019/20 as identified in section 4 and 5 of the report to the Council for approval on 19 February 2019; (2) Confirmed that it supported all of the schemes included in the provisional programme for 2020-22 as identified in section 6 of the report; (3) Noted that:- (a) schemes subject to external funding from Disabled Facilities Grants would only proceed when funding had been received; (b) schemes for 2020-22 were provisional pending an annual review of funds available for capital investment. |
Fees and Charges Report PDF 81 KB This report recommends fees and charges for which this Committee is responsible, with the new charges being effective from 1 April 2019. Additional documents: Decision: It was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Authorised the Chief Finance Officer to vary fees and charges for items generating income under £1,000 per annum and/or for one-off services or items; And, subject to the approval of Council: (2) Agreed the fees and charges for 2019/20 as set out at Annex 1.
Minutes: The Committee received a report recommending fees and charges for which it is responsible, with the new charges being effective from 1 April 2019. It was noted that a revised Annex 1 to the report had been issued as a supplement to the agenda in advance of the meeting, and replaced the copy of Annex 1 included in the original agenda document. Following consideration, it was resolved: That the Committee: (1) Authorised the Chief Finance Officer to vary fees and charges for items generating income under £1,000 per annum and/or for one-off services or items; And, subject to the approval of Council: (2) Agreed the fees and charges for 2019/20 as set out at Annex 1.
Revenue Budget Report PDF 114 KB This report sets out estimates for income and expenditure on services in 2019/20. Decision: It was resolved: (1) That the Committee recommended the 2019/20 service estimates, for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2019.
Minutes: The Committee received a report setting out estimates for income and expenditure on services in 2019/20. Following consideration, it was resolved: (1) That the Committee recommended the 2019/20 service estimates, for approval at the budget meeting of Full Council in February 2019.