Questions and Statements from the Public
At meetings of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, any member of the public who lives, works, attends an educational establishment or owns or leases land in the Borough may ask a question or make a statement on matters within the Terms of Reference of the Committee.
If you wish to ask a question or make a statement at a meeting of this Committee, please contact Democratic Services at:
Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services by noon on the third working day before the day of the meeting. A summary of statements must be received by Democratic Services by noon on the working day before the day of the meeting
For more information on public speaking protocol at Committees, please see Annex 4.2 of the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Operating Framework.
Terms of Reference
Licensing and Planning Policy Committee |
8 members |
Terms of reference: 1. To be responsible for exercising regulatory and policy functions under the relevant legislation concerning the determination of: a) Alcohol and entertainment licence applications. b) Gambling licence applications. c) Applications for the granting, renewal, transfer or revocation or sex establishments licenses; private hire and public hire licences. 2. To be responsible for influencing and controlling development and use of land as Local Planning Authority including: a) Preparation, adoption and review of the statutory Development Plan, including Local Development Documents. b) Preparation, adoption and review of Supplementary Planning Documents. 3. To carry out the functions falling within the committee’s area of responsibility as set out below, working within the budget and policy framework approved by Full Council, except where these functions remain the reserve of the Full Council or have been delegated to another committee. Where a new or changed policy will have a budget impact outside the budget approved by the Full Council, this must be referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee. 4. To establish sub-committees or member working groups to progress work of the committee. 5. To decide on matters falling within its responsibility or delegate decision making to Directors of the council, in accordance with Appendix 2. However, this does not prevent the committee from choosing to exercise the function itself. Areas of responsibility: To consider and approve: a) Local Plan documents for public consultation (including Development Plan Documents up to Preferred Options stage and Supplementary Planning Documents up to Consultation stage). b) Final versions of Supplementary Planning Guidance (including Masterplans and Design Codes) Planning Guidance Documents, land use policy statements, masterplans and briefs for specific areas and any subsequent changes to the Development Plan not constituting a new or substantially revised Development Plan Document. c) Other informal policy guidance for adoption. d) The council’s Local Development Scheme and Annual Monitoring Report. e) Planning enforcement. f) Draft Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans for public consultation, and, the final version of Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans. g) The council’s Local List of historic assets or policy documents to safeguard the historic environment. h) Matters related to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), including Strategic and Neighbourhood CIL, leading up to the examination in public and the adoption of the CIL charging schedule. i) Hackney Carriage and Private Hires policies and procedures. j) A licensing policy statement and gambling policy statement for recommendation to the Full Council and to keep this under review in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005 respectively. Other areas of responsibility: k) To consider and recommend for approval to Full Council, submission versions of Development Plan documents. l) To consider and comment upon other authorities’ or stakeholder’s planning policy documents. m) To respond to government consultations on draft planning legislation and proposed planning policies. n) To consider any other planning policy matters not included in any of the above as deemed necessary by the Head of Place Development. o) To consider and determine (or delegate to a licensing sub-committee in accordance with Appendix 2): (i) Opposed and / or contentious applications made under the Licensing Act 2003 and / or applications for review under the said Act. (ii) Opposed and / or contentious applications made under the Gambling Act 2005 and / or applications for review under the said Act. (iii) Opposed and / or contentious applications for the granting, renewal, transfer or revocation or sex establishments licenses; private hire and public hire licences in reference to applications listed in 1 a) above. p) Collaboration and partnerships related to the remit of this committee. To make recommendations regarding: a. Changes to this committee’s terms of reference. b. Other matters under the committee’s jurisdiction which, by virtue of statutory provision, must be determined by Full Council. c. New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which would require resources beyond those allocated to the committee. To resolve: a. New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which can be accommodated within the committee’s overall allocation of resources. b. Preparation and review of Local Planning Development Documents. c. Adoption of Neighbourhood Development Plans. d. Adoption of Supplementary Planning Documents. e. Confirmation of Conservation Area designations. f. Confirmation of lists of local heritage assets. g. Responses to consultations from the government, other authorities, external agencies and other bodies, including transportation related consultations, where they would have a significant impact on the delivery of the Local Plan or on the Borough’s environment. h. The seeking of Deemed Planning Consents. i. Approving Local Development Orders, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders.
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