Questions and Statements from the Public
At meetings of the Strategy and Resources Committee, any member of the public who lives, works, attends an educational establishment or owns or leases land in the Borough may ask a question or make a statement on matters within the Terms of Reference of the Committee.
If you wish to ask a question or make a statement at a meeting of this Committee, please contact Democratic Services at:
Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services by noon on the third working day before the day of the meeting. A summary of statements must be received by Democratic Services by noon on the day before the day of the meeting
For more information on public speaking protocol at Committees, please see Annex 4.2 of the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Operating Framework.
Terms of Reference
Strategy & Resources Committee |
8 members |
Terms of reference: 1. To make recommendations to the Full Council on budget and policy matters. 2. To provide strategic direction to the operation of the council, determining policies in the areas set out below and any cross-cutting policies that impact on other committee areas. 3. To make decisions regarding land and property. This includes acquisition, disposal and appropriation, provided they are not within the purview of any other committee. 4. To own, review and approve the council’s Risk Management Strategy. 5. To be responsible for all policy matters not otherwise allocated to any other committee and to determine any disputes or differences between committees. 6. The annual budget preparation process and consideration of overall committee budgets, including the setting of Council Tax, prudential indicators. 7. Civic and Ceremonial matters (including the appointment of representatives on Outside Bodies with the exception of the list considered at the Annual Meeting of the Full Council; Members' Allowances and Regalia). 8. The appointment of, and disciplinary action against, Chief and Statutory Officers. 9. To receive reports from any committee where they wish to resolve or recommend proposals which commit future budgets to a level of expenditure greater than that provided for in the current year, with the financial implications agreed in advance with the Chief Finance Officer (in accordance with the Financial Regulations – see the Council Operating Framework, Annex 5.1. para 6.5 and 6.6 respectively). Areas of responsibility: a. Lead on the corporate governance framework (jointly with the Chairs of Standards and Constitution and Audit & Scrutiny committees) incorporating strategic planning, corporate risk and performance management. b. Council compliance with Financial Regulations (see the Council Operating Framework, Annex 5.1). c. All matters relating to the oversight of the approved council budget and Policy Framework (including the setting of staff pay). d. Medium Term Financial Strategy to include, though not exclusively, Capital Investment Strategy, Council Tax Support Scheme, Business Rates and use of council reserves. e. Implementation and monitoring of treasury management policies. f. Asset Management Strategy including the purchase, management and disposal of real property owned or held by the council (note other committees may have responsibilities for service provision, venues or activities). g. Community right to Challenge and Community Right to bid for Assets of Community Value. h. Exercise the council’s functions as Shareholder and consider recommendations from the Shareholders Sub Committee, making decisions as required. i. Exercise of the council’s powers as Trustee of any land or money held by the council in trust. j. Administration of council tax and housing benefits. k. Collaboration and partnerships related to the remit of this committee. l. Electoral matters including polling stations, ward boundaries, ballots and referendums. m. Procurement Strategy, and those matters that have budget or procurement implications for more than one committee. n. Building Control contract. o. Facilities management and cleaning contract. p. Development of the local economy and regeneration. q. Emergency planning, resilience and business continuity. r. Agreeing, recommending and reviewing key corporate and financial strategies (including but not limited to those relating to workforce matters; ICT; information management, information governance and data protection; communication and engagement) which do not fall within the remit of other committees. s. Management of the Community safety budget. t. Dealing (in the first instance) with any matters of general policy which do not fall within the terms of reference of any other committee and are not reserved to the Full Council. In carrying out its responsibilities the committee will: 1. Work in partnership with other policy committees and sub-committees. 2. Develop, make decisions about, and keep under review, the committee’s budget ensuring any decisions about spend are made within the allocated budget envelope. 3. Ensure any decisions about additional spend to the committee’s agreed budget are in accordance with the Financial Regulations (see the Council Operating Framework, Annex 5.1). 4. Have consideration to the Risk Management Strategy, key performance indicators and any action relevant to the committee’s remit. 5. Have oversight of any matters of interest or concern relevant to this committee’s remit. To make recommendations regarding: a. New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which would require resources beyond those allocated to the committee. b. Financial programmes for overall revenue and capital expenditure, including the Medium Term Financial Strategy and, as part of the annual budget setting process, the level of Council Tax and Prudential Indicators, subject to consultation with other policy committees. c. Changes of use of council owned (General Fund) land, subject to consultation with other policy committees who may be responsible for services currently operating from the land in question. d. Annual pay policy statements. e. Civic and ceremonial matters as detailed in 1 (7) above. f. Polling District and Ward Reviews, ballots and referendums. g. Changes to this committee’s terms of reference. h. Other matters under the committee’s jurisdiction which, by virtue of statutory provision, must be determined by Full Council. To resolve: 1. New policies or changes in policy within the remit of the committee which can be accommodated within the committee’s overall allocation of resources. 2. The formation of other subsidiary companies and special purpose vehicles as deemed necessary to support property projects. 3. Determination of applications by community organisations for rental subsidies in respect of their use of council owned land. 4. Determination of the tax base for Council Tax purposes. 5. Rents and charges for services, accommodation and land which are outside the purview of other committees. 6. Responses to consultations from the Government, other authorities and external agencies where there is a potentially significant impact upon the delivery of services falling under the remit of the committee.
Support officer: Email: tel: 01372 732000