Public speaking at Planning Committee meetings
Public speaking in support or against planning applications is permitted at meetings of the Planning Committee. Two speakers can register to speak in support (including the applicant/agent) and two can register to speak against any single application. Registration will be on a first come first served basis. An individual can waive this right in favour of an individual who attempted to register at a later time, or alternatively, several members of the public may appoint one person to speak on their behalf, provided agreement to this arrangement can be reached amongst themselves.
Speakers shall have a maximum of 3 minutes to address the Committee and remarks must be confined to the application upon which the speaker registered.
For more information on public speaking protocol at Planning Committee meetings, please see Annex 4.8 of the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Operating Framework.
If you wish to register to speak on an application at a meeting of the Planning Committee, please contact Democratic Services by email at, or by telephone on 01372 732000 in advance of the deadline for registration. Please state the application(s) on which you wish to speak, and whether you wish to speak in support or against the application.
The deadline for registration to speak on an application at a meeting of the Planning Committee is Noon on the day of the meeting.
Terms of Reference
Planning Committee |
10 members |
Full Council will appoint a Planning Committee, which will be responsible for dealing with planning applications and related matters. Terms of reference: 1. To beresponsible for exercisingfunctions underthe Townand Country Planning legislation specifically the determination of planning and related applications involving: i. Applications for planning permission for major development (except where the application is made under section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 – a minor material amendment/development without compliance with original conditions); ii. Applications for planning permission for development which require to be advertised as a departure from development plan, as a whole, but which are recommended for approval; iii. Applications for planning permission or listed building consent that are submitted by or on behalf of any Member of the Council (or their spouse or partner) or any Council employee that is a member of Corporate Leadership Team (or their spouse or partner). iv. Development promoted by the Council itself (i.e. applications where the Council are the applicant) v. Applications called-in for determination by the Planning Committee by a Member in accordance with Annex 4-8, paragraphs 8.4 and 8.8, where the call-in request has not been withdrawn prior to publication of the agenda. 2. To receive and review the summary of enforcement action taken in response to breaches of control on a quarterly basis. 3. To receive and review summaries of planning appeals on a quarterly basis or when appeals have been received as appropriate. To make recommendations regarding: 4. Changes to the committee’s terms of reference. 5. Other matters under the committee’s jurisdiction which, by virtue of statutory provision, must be determined by Full Council. To resolve: 6. Determination of planning and related applications referred to the committee by any member of the council and / or the Head of Place Development in accordance with the provisions set out in the council’s constitution. 7. Guidelines under which the committee shall determine its level of involvement in individual planning, building and enforcement decisions. 8. Confirmation (or modification) of Tree Preservation Orders where there are unresolved objections. |
Support officer: Email: tel: 01372 732000